Data source events

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This list contains USoft-specific events that occur in the context of data source objects.

The -pre- events are mainly used to prevent, under specific circumstances, that the operation is executed. The -post- events are mainly used to add custom processing to the operation.

If the operation(s) you are coding is (are) closely associated with a UI control, you may prefer to add these events to a control associated with the data source, rather than to the data source object itself. This has advantages for code maintainability. In this case, the control will propagate the event handling to the data source. The effect will be the same in both cases, except that any occurrence of the 'this' keyword will refer to the UI control in one case and to the data source in the other.


Occurs when


Before a dataset is cleared.


Before the data source is queried. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


In default applications, users can query by pressing the Search button. To query programmatically, use the executeQuery() function of the DataSourceContainer object.


When navigation to a different dataset takes place. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


In default applications, users can navigate to a different dataset using the special DataSetNumbers control offered in each data page. To navigate programmatically, call the gotoDataSet() function of the DataSourceContainer object.


Before the data source is refreshed. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


To refresh the data source programmatically, call the refresh() function of the DataSourceContainer object.


Before a value in a column is updated.


After a value in a column is updated.


When data is received for one or more data sources.


This event has been replaced by the dataset event and is supported for backward compatibility only.


This event has been replaced by the rowselect event and is supported for backward compatibility only.


After a record is created.


After a record is deleted.


After a record is refreshed.


After a record is selected (whether or not selection was successful).


After a record is updated.


Before a record is created. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


Before a record is deleted. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


Before a record is refreshed. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


After the currently selected record has changed, and before selection happens. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


Before a record is updated. See also the before... and rowpre... events help topic.


Before row selection changes to a different row.


When the currently selected row changes.


Notifies controls on the page that new data is available for display. This event is for advanced developers who are creating control factories.


See Also

Top-level Events

Control Events

Custom events