Added XSL

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In different places in USoft Delivery Manager, you can add an XSLT transformation to an XML result file.

This technique does not give you the full range of possibilities that you would normally have when creating your own XSLT application, such as accessing multiple source documents, or superposing multiple transformations. However, it does allow you to:

Customise output XML relatively easily.

Maintain XSL code in the Delivery Manager repository, where it is easily kept, traced, and modified.

An important use-case for the "added XSL" technique in USoft Delivery Manager is that it allows you to do configuration: to create target variable placeholders in output data files with relative ease. This, in turn, allows you to deliver data content differently on each target machine at the time when you deploy the data files. For details, read the section on the "data-add-variable" sample XSL below.

If you are not familiar with XSLT, get started by looking at XSL sample code.


collapseHow to add XSL
collapseWhere to add XSL
collapseOther options
collapseHow to use the "copy" sample XSL
collapseHow to use the "mark-up-xml-custom" sample XSL



See Also

Custom XSL

Apply custom XSL

Configuration example 2