Archiving an upgrade script

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You archive an upgrade script indirectly by moving to the next version of the application that the script is for.

Delivery Manager automatically archives scripts that belong to a previous version. This is appropriate, since upgrade scripts are typically version-bound. Automatic archiving prevents you from inadvertently running scripts that applied to a previous version.

To archive upgrade scripts for the top-level application:

1.Create a new release by choosing Release, Create New Release from the menu.

To archive upgrade scripts for other applications:

1.In the Applications window, change the Version of the application to the next release version. Do this by choosing Define, Applications from the menu and querying the application.


You can view archived scripts by following these steps:

1.Choose Define, Upgrade Scripts from the menu.
The Current Upgrade Scripts window is opened.
2.Press the Archived Upgrade Scripts button at the bottom of the window.
The Archived Upgrade Scripts window is opened.
3.In the top box, query the application that you want to view the archived scripts for.


You can restore archived scripts.




See Also

Restoring an upgrade script

Script status