Extract module names

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This action is only supported for the top-level application. Passing any other value for "Application" is an error.

Extracts from "Database account" :

The names of the modules consumed by "Application" (if any).

The Active attribute of each module. This attribute corresponds to the Load Module flag in the Modules window of the consumer application.

The filepath to each module's module.CON flat file that is used for synchronisation. This filepath is specified in USoft Definer for the consumer application. If no filepath is specified but only a filename, then this filename is expanded to a filepath by prefixing the \APP subfolder of the local USoft installation folder.

The extracted information is registered in Delivery Manager's Extracted Module Names table, overwriting any previously extracted information.

Ignores UDELIVER, USAUTH, USD, USERVICE and USTESTER as potential module names candidates.

Raises an error in case of a mismatch between the set of active module names found in "Database account" and the modules registered in Delivery Manager´s Applications table.

If the optional "XML folder" is not passed, it is set to the \udeliver subfolder of the local USoft Temp Dir. "XML folder" acts as an interim location where the extracted information is output before it is imported into Delivery Manager. This folder is only relevant during the extraction process. It is NOT cleared on completion.








Database account

Database account


XML folder

Folder or file



"Application" must be the top-level application.


An error is raised in case of a mismatch between the set of active module names found in "Database account" and the modules registered in Delivery Manager´s Applications table.

For example, it's an error if "Application" has a declared Module that does not appear in Delivery Manager's Application list at all, or that appears with an application type other than "Module", ie., "Top-level" or "USoft".


See Also

Create synchronisation file


Delivering modules