How to remove a control from a page

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To remove a control from a page:

1.Open the page : Right-click on it in the Page tab of the catalog, then choose Open.
2.Expand the Object Tree until you find the control.
TIP: An easy way to find an object in the Object Tree is to click on, or near, that object in the Preview Pane.
3.Right-click on the node for the control, then choose Delete.
4.Save your work.


If you remove an object, all contained objects are also removed. As a result, if you remove a container control, all the contained objects will also be removed.

Here are some examples of controls that may be removed in this way:

Button control

Frame control

Grid control

HTML control

Image control

Input control

Label control

Script control

Tab control

Tree control

Data Source control

Event Listener control

Action control

See Also

Basic Design Operations