Grouping search results

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Search results in a web page can be grouped.

To group search results:

1.From the catalog, open the page in which you want to group search results.
2.In the object tree, double-click the TableColumn object on which you want to group first.
3.In the Property Inspector, set the GroupBy property to: Yes.
4.Set the OrderBy/GroupBy Position property to: 1.
5.If you want to use a nested GROUP BY, repeat these steps for the columns on which you want to group next, and set the OrderBy/GroupBy Position property accordingly.


The result can be compared with the SQL GROUP BY clause:

SELECT     ...
GROUP BY   <column1>, <column2>


The Page Engine now adds a GROUP BY clause to the SQL statement that is sent to the database. Take care that the output columns must be compatible with the GROUP BY columns.


See Also

SQL in Web Designer