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Opens a question box with the specified message and three buttons: "Yes", "No", and "Cancel". Performs specified actions if the user pressres "Yes" or "No". If the user presses "Cancel" the box is closed without any further action. If you deliver the application in multiple languages, use MessageLanguage() instead.


MessageQuestion( text, yes-action, no-action, title )


Text, yes-action and no-action are required. Text is the message. Yes-action is the action to be performed if the user presses the "Yes" button. No-aaction is the action to be performed if the user presses the "No" button.

The optional title is displayed in the window title bar of the question box. If you do not specify title, the title 'Question' is displayed.

Example 1


   FORMULA(':1 || :2 || :3',

     'Do you want to generate options for ', query.destination(), '?'


,  batchrunner.GENERATE_OPTIONS()

,  ActionDoNothing()



Example 2


   FORMULA(':1 || :2 || :3',

     'Tours to ', query.destination(), ' entail personal insurance costs. Continue?'


,  DataCommit()

,  DataRollback()

,  'Personal insurance'



To include a single quote (') in the message, type two consecutive single quotes (''). Likewise, to include a percent sign (%), type %%.