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Once you have finished defining a test procedure, you can define a test that executes the procedure, and run the test using the Player. After playing the procedure, you can inspect the test results by opening a log file.

There are optional Player settings for:

Changing the location of the log file.

Defining the name of the log file.

Making a Profile of the test procedure.

Changing the speed at which the test is run, by setting the interval between steps in milliseconds (the higher the number, the slower the test will be "played").

Specifying whether procedure checks, status checks and step checks are to be performed.

Specifying whether the test is to stop if a USoft BenchMark error is encountered.

You can set these for a single test, or to be the defaults for all runs of this test until you change them again. Thus a test run is the combination of a given procedure (and subprocedures) and the current Player settings. In other words, a test starts a procedure (which may have subprocedures), and has specific settings and application data related to it.