Used Indexes

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If possible, write SQL statements in a way that indexes can be used.


When an index has been defined on one or more columns, there are a couple of situations where the index will not be used. For example, an index will not be used when:

A column value is contained in a function call.

A column value is contained in a calculation.

Column values are concatenated.

Column values are excluded (NOT, <> , != ).

Column values are not the first within an index.

If an index has been defined on more than one column, values are indexed as concatenations of the values in the individual columns. Concatenation is in the order in which the columns are mentioned in the CREATE INDEX command.

This means that any WHERE clause that implies a search for the entire indexed string, or for the first column(s) of the index ("front-end searches"), will make the index available.

Any WHERE clause that implies a search for the last part of the indexed string but not the front part, will NOT make the index available.

Incidentally, this is also why LIKE 'A%' constructs make an index available whereas LIKE '%A' constructs ("back-end search") do not.



Rewrite a WHERE clause like:

WHERE    SUBSTR(name,1,3) = 'AUS'


WHERE    name LIKE 'AUS%'

Rewrite a WHERE clause like:

WHERE    price * 2.21026 < 1000


WHERE    price < 1000/2.21026

Rewrite a WHERE clause like:

WHERE    ColA || ColB = 'ABC'


WHERE  ColA='A'  AND  ColB='BC'

Rewrite a WHERE clause like:

WHERE    amount != 0


WHERE    amount > 0