Web service component details

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There are three situations when a Web Service component definition is stored in the repository:

If in the Web Service Bindings dialog, the Definition URL does not exist, and Access Point is not a WSDL file.

If the Definition URL exists.

If the Definition URL does not exist, and the Access Point is a WSDL file.

If the Web Service returns an error message within a SOAP fault element, the component that called the Web Service (the CallWebService Java component) returns an exception. You can modify a Web Service component to return the error message as return parameter as follows:

If the physical method is callMethodURL, replace this method with callMethodURLReturnError, and add a new return parameter with type: String. If there is no error, the return value is NULL.

If the physical method is callMethod, replace this method with callMethodReturnError, and add a new return parameter with type: String. If there is no error, the return value is NULL.

If the physical method is sendSoapMessage, replace this method with sendSoapMessageReturnError. If there is no error, the return value is the response from the Web Service.