Web service example 2: SOAP request and response messages |
This topic provides background information about the SOAP messages that are sent in Web Service Example 2: RPC-Oriented Method with Simple Type Parameters Based on a Domain. In example 2, the following client SQL statement is executed: INVOKE TRAVELCOMPONENT.GETSCHEDTOURSBETWEEN WITH SELECT sysdate, to_date('01-01-2012','dd-mm-yyyy')
The Web Service component handles this statement, and composes a SOAP request message. The information how to compose this RPC-oriented message is defined in the TRAVELSERVICE.wsdl file. Here is the SOAP request message:
The body of this SOAP request message includes a GetSchedtoursBetween method and start_date and end_date input parameters. Note the IO format of these parameter values, e.g. 2010-10-14 Next, the following statement is sent to the Rules Service: INVOKE TRAVELSERVICE.GetSchedtoursBetween WITH SELECT '... soap message above ...' request
Then, the Web Service provider composes a SOAP response:
The body of this SOAP response message includes a GetSchedtoursBetweenResponse method and the NumberOfScheduledTours output parameter. |