Web service example 4: SOAP request and response messages

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This topic provides background information about the SOAP messages that are sent in Web Service Example 4: Document-Oriented Method with Simple Type Parameters.

In example 4, the following client SQL statement is executed:


SELECT    '<DestinationRequest 




,         '<TourTypeRequest 


              ISLAND SUNTANNER


The Web Service component handles this statement, and composes a SOAP request message. The information how to compose this message is defined in the TRAVELSERVICE.wsdl file:

<wsdl:operation name="GETTOURSDocument">

    <soap:operation soapAction="http://MyWebServer/TravelService/TRAVELSERVICE.ashx#GETTOURSDocument" style="document" />

    <wsdl:input name="GETTOURSDocument">

        <soap:body use="literal" />


    <wsdl:output name="GETTOURSDocumentResponse">

        <soap:body use="literal" />



In this code fragment, the attributes style="document" and use="literal" do NOT result in any method names or parameter names appearing in the SOAP request message. This is why in a document-oriented method, all XML elements must be included in the SQL statement:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope





    <DestinationRequest xmlns="http://MyWebServer/TravelService/TRAVELSERVICE.wsdl"




    <TourTypeRequest xmlns="http://MyWebServer/TravelService/TRAVELSERVICE.wsdl"




The body of this SOAP request message includes XML elements that are included in the SQL statement.

Next, the following statement is sent to the Rules Service:




SELECT '... soap message above ...' request

Then, the Web Service provider composes a SOAP response:






    <tns:TourTypeResponse>ISLAND SUNTANNER</tns:TourTypeResponse>


    <tns:DescriptionResponse>Exclusive sailing adventure...</tns:DescriptionResponse>



The body of this SOAP response message only includes XML elements that are included in the SQL statement of the web service provider method.