Shutting down the USoftComJavaCall component

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When IIS is used to disclose the publication of a USoft Web Application, an application is active in IIS and the USoft COM-Java Call is active in Component Services. To force shutdown (e.g. when a USoft version is being replaced) the application within IIS must be unloaded, and the component must be shutdown.

To shutdown the USoft COM-Java Call component:

1.Open Component Services via Control Panel, Administrative Tools.
2.In the tree view, identify the COM+ Application that is the USoft COM-Java Call component you want to shut down. This is a COM+ Application that contains a COM+ Component of which the object name starts with the name "USoftComJavaCall".
3.Right-mouse click on that COM+ Application and choose Shutdown from the dropdown menu.

See Also

Installing the USoftComJavaCall component

Uninstalling the USoft COM-Java Call