Uninstalling USoft Developer |
You can uninstall USoft using the Control Panel or from the command line. Uninstalling USoft using the Control PanelTo uninstall USoft using the Control Panel:
All files, folders, registry entries, shortcuts, etc. that are associated with USoft Series products will be removed from your system.
NOTE: When uninstalling, you may have to confirm if it is OK to delete the files XtComm.dll, Client32.dll and Upgrade.dll. You can confirm this. Uninstalling USoft from the command lineTo uninstall USoft from the command line, use this command: usoft-installation-directory\Uninstall.exe /s /u
This will remove all registry keys and installed files. Files and directories created since installation time will NOT be removed. These items could include log files and project files. If you wish to remove these items, you must delete them manually. |
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