Allowed values

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When defining a domain, you can restrict the values allowed in the columns based on the domain:

You can set predefined domain attributes. For example, if you want a number domain to have only values between 1 and 100 you can set Min. Value = 1 and Max. Value = 100.

You can enumerate one-by-one which values are allowed. For example, you can enumerate the values 'Single', 'Married' and 'Divorced' as allowed values for columns holding a person's marital status.

For a domain, you can specify a regular expression pattern. Only values that match that pattern are allowed in columns based on that domain.

You can write USoft-style SQL to define business rules for domain values. You do this by creating domain constraints.

There is a link between allowed values and display types:

For checkboxes, allowed values will be limited to 'Y' and 'N', or to 'Yes' and 'No'. If the column has Mandatory = No, the empty value or NULL value is a third possibility.

If you have enumerated a very limited number of allowed values, it is appropriate to use the Option Buttons display type.

If you have enumerated a larger set of allowed values, use a dropdown list.

If you have a Slider a the display type of a number column,l it is appropriate to set the Min. Value and Max. Value predefined domain attributes.



collapsePredefined domain attributes
collapseEnumerating allowed values
collapseRegular expression patterns
collapseDomain constraints for allowed values



See also
