Changing a restrictive constraint into a warning constraint

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You can change a restrictive constraint into a warning constraint or even into a constraint that gives an informative message only.


1.Define a new message categorie, and do not select the System check box:

Category: Constraint Warning


2.Define a new system message:

Code:        1

Category:    Travel Agency Message


Message:     This destination is currently considered an unstable region.

Parameter:   Destination

Seqno:       1


3.Define a constraint:



SQL Statement:

INVOKE    RulesEngine.MessageLanguage
SELECT    'Travel Agency Message'
,         'WARNING'
FROM      tour t
WHERE     t.destination IN 


     SELECT     u.destination

     FROM       unstable_destination u



To product an informative message instead of a warning message, specify 'INFORMATION' instead of 'WARNING'.
Do not specify a constraint message: the component takes care of the message.


See also

Constraint messages