Checking logical views

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Before you can use a Logical View, you must check it for correctness by pressing the Check button in the Logical View window or tab.

Checking a Logical View results in its Correct flag being set to Yes. Checking a view is the only way to give it the Correct flag.

A subsequent change may affect the Logical View, for example:

You change the Logical View's SQL Statement.

An underlying table is changed or dropped.

If such a change occurs, the Logical View is automatically reset to Correct = No. In this case, it will need to be rechecked. In the "Logical Views" node in the tree view of the Model and Rules catalog, unchecked Logical Views are signalled by a contrasting icon.

You can get all unchecked views to be rechecked in one go by using the Tools, Check View facility in the USoft Definer menu.

The VERIFY_VIEW_WHERECLAUSE Rules Engine parameter specifies whether manipulations on logical views must be checked to see if the values entered match the WHERE clause of the logical view or not.

If set to 'True' (default), the values inserted or updated in a logical view are checked against the WHERE clause of the logical view. If they do not match, an error message is displayed: 'manipulation does not match WHERE clause'. In this case, you cannot enter data in the logical view that cannot be queried by this logical view. If set to 'False', this check is not performed.

If the setting is not present in the Rules Engine parameters, recreate the Definer repository tables WITHOUT dropping the tables. This action will create the new parameter.

How to check a Logical View

To check a Logical View:

1.Get the Logical View in your screen in the Logical Views window or tab. (You can open this tab from the Define, Tables, Logical Views menu option and query the Logical View you want to check, or you can double-click it in the Logical Views node in the tree view of the Model and Rules catalog or Teamwor catalog.)
2.Press the Check button.*
If the Logical View is correct, the Correct flag will be set to Yes and the Columns list in the bottom half of the window or tab will be (re)computed.
3.Save. This step is necessary: Check does not Save by itself.

* Alternatively, you can check ALL Logical Views in a single action by choosing Tools, Check Repository from the menu.


See also

How to define logical views

Limitations of logical views

Data interaction through logical views

Logical view column attributes

Rule-based logical views