Generating tables

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Each time you define or change domain, table, and column attribute values in USoft Definer that affect physical RDBMS tables, you can have USoft (re)generate the corresponding database tables in the RDBMS along with their indexes.

You can (re)generate instantly or you can write a script that contains the instructions the RDBMS needs for (re)generating tables and indexes. These instructions are SQL DDL statements, for example, CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX statements.

When (re)generating tables, USoft automatically performs a difference analysis with the existing RDBMS data structure. Instructions for (re)generation are only issued for tables, columns and indexes that have actually changed.

(Re)generating tables is a manual action. USoft does not automatically synchronise the data structure in the RDBMS with new or changed USoft Definer specifications.

Transition method: OLD_ tables

In most cases, USoft will decide to transition to a changed data structure by first renaming the existing RDBMS table (if any) to its equivalent with the prefix OLD_, then creating the new table, and then transferring existing data to the new table. You can inspect this by letting USoft generate a script, rather than execute the table generation instantly:

RENAME TABLE product TO old_product
CREATE TABLE product ( ... )
INSERT INTO product SELECT ... FROM old_product

In some cases USoft will implement a transition by issuing an ALTER TABLE statement. If you prepare table generation in USoft Delivery Manager, you can determine yourself for each table which of the two methods is applied.

Where to activate table generation

You can activate table generation in multiple places in the USoft tool set.


collapseCreate button
collapseCreate Physical Tables wizard
collapseCreate Tables option in USoft Binder
collapseData management in USoft Benchmark
collapseUSoft Delivery Manager



See also

