Example: Dynamically adding C#

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Here is an example of how the PowerShell script functionality may be extended by adding C# code:

INVOKE USPowershell.ExecuteScript


SELECT 'Add-Type -Language CSharpVersion3 -TypeDefinition @"

using System;


public class Class1


    public static String MyMethod()


       return "Hello World!";





INVOKE USPowershell.ExecuteScript


SELECT 'Write-Output([Class1]::MyMethod())'


This results in:

Hello World!

Since USPowershell is a stateful component, once the Class has been added, it remains available for later use.


See also

Example: Simple script execution

Example: Script execution with paramaters

Example: Stateful test

Example: Converting Word to PDF

Example: Query call to the Rules Engine

Example: Manipulation call to the Rules Engine

Example: Call to the Rules Engine with variables

Example: Query call to the Rules Engine and loop through result
