Query protocol, component table

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The query protocol is a way of interacting with an RDMI component that involves passing a single row of data to the component and letting it return multiple columns and rows.

The query protocol lets you present data from external sources to the Rules Engine as if it were multi-row data in a relational table.

The typical way to achieve this is to build a component table. Your USoft application can use that component table (in constraint SQL, batch SQL, SQL in a GUI layer...) as if it were a normal database table. How the component table handles its data is programmed in the underlying component that uses the query protocol. The component table and the underlying component are linked on a 1:1 basis because they have the same name.

Examples of data that you may want to make available through the query protocol include:

Information about files in a folder on the file system.

Data from a file storage, for example, an XML, JSON, CSV file, or an MS Excel spreadsheet.

Data from a different database.

If you want the end user to perform an external action (such as sending an e-mail) by pressing a push button or clicking a link, then use the standard protocol and not the query protocol.



collapseHow the query protocol works
collapseQuery protocol association
collapseStateful component
collapseComponent tables, definition
collapseComponent tables, features and limitations
collapseComponent tables, error handling



See also

Example 1: Component table querying a CSV file

Example 2: Component table querying multiple CSV files

Standard protocol

Aggregate protocol