Publishing your web application

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You can publish your web application pages by from USoft Web Designer.  

Publication is an umbrella term for all the activities that consist in assembling all the developed material and bringing it to a web server environment so it may be executed. Publication is an automated assembly line where three different types of activity take place:

Generating file-based content (XML and JSON files) from Web Designer repository content.

Substituting values for publication configuration properties in files that have variables for them.

Assembling these files along with other, ready-for-use flat files (such as CSS files and the initial HTML document) and placing them in the correct file location under a web server so they may successfully found by client browsers.

Publication is something you do many times a day when working on a web application. To test and debug your recent work, you need to simulate the deployment process in a non-production environment and run it in a client browser. This is the only way to make sure all the elements work together as intended. This is especially true because, in USoft 9, the final HTML is no longer prepared on the server but put together by the browser itself, which offers debug facilities for the CSS and JavaScript parts of the solution.

When the time comes to bring a finished version of your application to the production environment, something you typically do only once per version, the whole process should be 99% identical to the repeated simulation of publish-and-run in development.

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Publishing and Page Management