Publishing a Web Service

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To Publish a Web Service:

1.Click the Press "Publish Web Service..." button from the Associated Web Services window to make a service available.
The Publish Web Service wizard opens.
2.On the Publication Options tab page:
A web service can be deployed in the following ways:

Make the service available for the other user – in this case do not check Publish Web Service to UDDI Business registry nor Create WSDL file

Make the service available for the other users and provide a WSDL file – in this case check only Create WSDL file

Make the service available for the other users and publish it to UDDI Business Registries – in this case check only Publish Web Service to UDDI Business registry

Make the service available for the other users, provide a WSDL file and publish it to UDDI Business Registries – in this case check Publish Web Service to UDDI Business registry and Create WSDL file

3.On the UDDI Business tab page:
This page is available only if the Publish Web Service to UDDI Business registry check box was selected.
On this page, you can modify the business where the service is published, the UDDI Registry where the service is located, and the user that does the publication.
4.On the Web Service Details, and Web Service Files Location tab page:
On these tab pages, you can modify the values added when associating a service to a business.
5.On the Proxy Server tab page:
This page is available only if the service is published to UDDI.
If the service is published to UDDI and the business was not previously published to UDDI, the business will be published too.

After the publication is ready, a report is generated with all successful actions and erroneous situations.