File resources

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You can define text-based resources. You can then use these resources, referred to as "file resources", in annotations, in service method implementations, and in classes associated with a server.

To define a file resource, follow these steps:

1.Open the Service Definer.
2.Choose Define, File Resources from the main menu.
The File Resources window is displayed.
3.Set Resource Path to the filepath leading to the resource in your server .JAR.
The resource path for a file resource used in the "com.usoft.service" package could be



4.Write the resource content in the Resource field. Save work.


To associate the new file resource with a server:

1.Open the Servers window and retrieve the Server that you want to associate the file resource with.
2.Click the File Resources tab.
3.On an empty line, click the lookup button, select the file resource you just defined, and click OK to confirm. Save work.

Using a file resource in a class or in a service method

If you want to use your file resource in a service method, you can implement it by using the standard java methods available for IO operations. Here is a simple example that will return a resource that is an HTML file: is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("index.html"); reader = new;
String response = new String();
String line = "";
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
   response += line;
return response;

The file resource used in this example is:
