Example: Model and rules for creating output events

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The following step-by-step instructions are for creating a data model and rules that will store output events for a Travel Agency model. The example is part of an asynchronous output processing pattern.

In this example, the Travel Agency has a policy that a guide is added to a scheduled tour only if the number of participants is at least 20% of the maximum number of participants for a scheduled tour. Travel Agency also works with partners for guide resources, so scheduling a guide is an external system. An event must be sent when a guide is needed for a scheduled tour.

To make things easier, the output event data in this example are in USoft's XML.Export format as applied to the SCHEDTOUR table.



collapseCreating a queue table for storing output events
collapseDefining constraints for creating output events



See also

Example: Job for processing output events

Example: Queue service that processes output events

Producing events

Event processing