USoft Rule Language and Object Name Plurals

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This help topic is about the use of Object Name Plurals in constraints written with the USoft Rule Language syntax.

Each table has an Object Name Plural. This Object Name Plural must be defined when you define the table itself.

Each table name in a repository uniquely identifies the table. The table's Object Name Plural is an alternative key: it identifies the table uniquely as well.

FOR and FROM clauses

In a FOR clause, you must use the Object Name Plural for each table. Table names (as opposed to Object Name Plurals) cannot be used in USoft Rule Language FOR clauses.

In a FROM clause in a subquery, you can alternatively use the Object Name Plural or the technical table name. You are not required to follow this choice through in the entire statement.


Unlike table names, Object Name Plurals are allowed to contain spaces.

In the USoft Rule Language syntax, an Object Name Plural that contains one or more spaces must be enclosed by double-quotes. If an Object Name Plural does not contain any spaces, double quotes are optional.


Unlike table names, which are all-uppercase, Object Name Plurals may be spelled with uppercase characters or lowercase characters or a mix of both.

In the USoft Rule Language syntax, Object Name Plural strings are case-insensitive: they successfully reference the table regardless of case differences.


See also

USoft Rule Language