Step 3: Running Sample HTML Batch Jobs

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In this step, you will first create new directories for your HTML reports. Then you will run the supplied batch jobs generating HTML reports on the sample application data.

To prepare for HTML reporting:

Create three folders in the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator" folder, called ListView , TableView, and FormView.

To run the HTML_LIST_EXAMPLE job:

1. Get the Properties tab for the Batch Runner item in the USoft Binder file (click on the Batch Runner item in the Binder, then click the right mouse button and choose Properties).
2. Change the value of the Directory field to "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\ListView".
3. Click on the IMP_APPDATA job, then click Delete, and then click the Add button.
4. Type "HTML_LIST_EXAMPLE" in the Job Name field on the Edit Job And Parameter dialog.
5. Click the OK button on both dialogs.
6. Double-click the Batch Runner item to generate the HTML report.
7. Check that HTML files have actually been generated in the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\ListView" folder.

To run the HTML_TABLE_EXAMPLE job:

1. Click on the Batch Runner item in the Binder, then click the right mouse button.
2. Change the value of the Directory field to "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\TableView".
3. Click on the HTML_LIST_EXAMPLE job , then click the Edit button.
4. Change the value of the Job Name field on the Edit Job And Parameter dialog to "HTML_TABLE_EXAMPLE".
5. Click the OK button on both dialogs displayed.
6. Double-click the Batch Runner item in the Binder.
7. Check that HTML files have actually been generated in the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\TableView" folder.

To run the HTML_FORM_EXAMPLE job:

1. Click on the Batch Runner item in the Binder, then click the right mouse button.
2. Change the value of the Directory field to "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\FormView".
3. Click on the HTML_TABLE_EXAMPLE job, then click the Edit button.
4. Change the value of the Job Name field on the Edit Job And Parameter dialog to "HTML_FORM_EXAMPLE".
5. Click the OK button on both dialogs displayed.
6. Double-click the Batch Runner item in the Binder.
7. Check that an HTML file has been generated in the "<installation>\Testdrive\Htmlgenerator\FormView" folder.

Next Step

Step 4: Exploring the Generated HTML Reports