View on Manipulation

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The View on Manipulation window shows statistic timing information about a specific manipulation. This window can be viewed by clicking the View Manipulation button on the Manipulations tab page in the Test Profiles window.

The timing characteristics are divided into single manipulation information and related manipulation information. The 'Related Manipulation' fields present the timing characteristics of manipulations started due to SQL statements within this manipulation.

The information about the timing characteristics of SQL statements handled on the client and on the server depends on whether the SQL statement is optimized, or not. If SQL Statements are optimized they are processed on the client computer; if they are not optimized they are sent to the database server.

The View on Manipulation window

This table lists the meaning of all Specific and Related manipulation fields (reading from left to right). All times are in milliseconds.




The time used performing the data manipulation. This is the time used for executing all SQL Statements within the manipulation plus the time used for manipulation overhead other than manipulation SQL. For example: rearranging and optimizing constraint order, and evaluating which constraints should be evaluated.

SQL Time

The time used for executing and evaluating the SQL statements within the manipulation. This time can be divided into time used for SQL handled on the client and time used for SQL handled on the server; it is the sum of these two times.

Number of SQL

The number of SQL statements executed within the manipulation. This number can be divided into a number of SQL statements handled on the client and a number of SQL statements handled on the server; it is the sum of these two numbers.

SQL Client Time

The time used for executing the SQL statements handled on the client within the manipulation.

Number of SQL Client

The number of executed SQL statements handled on the client within the manipulation.

SQL Server Time

The time used for executing the SQL statements handled on the server within the manipulation.

Number of SQL Server

The number of executed SQL statements handled on the server within the manipulation.

Total Time

The time used performing the specific data manipulation plus the time used to perform the related manipulations which are started due to SQL statements within the manipulation.

Total SQL Time

The time used for executing and evaluating the SQL statements within the manipulation plus the time used for executing and evaluating SQL Statements of related manipulations which are started due to SQL statements within the manipulation.

Total Number of SQL

The number of SQL statements executed within the manipulation plus the number of SQL statements executed within the related manipulations which are started due to SQL statements within the manipulation.