How to Use the Diagrammer

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To view a part of your application:

1. From the Teamwork menu, choose Definition, Business Objects.
2. Execute a query to retrieve the Business Object you want to display a diagram for.
3. Click the Diagram button.

The Business Object Diagram dialog appears.

To view and change or remove aspects of your business object:

· Select a table, a relationship, or a line of a relationship, and move it by dragging and dropping. All these layout changes are stored in the repository when you commit.


· Select the table or relationship that you want to change or remove, and then click the right mouse button.

Depending on whether you select a table or a relationship, a special menu appears that offers the following options:

· Stretch Line


· Owned/Shared


· Owned By


· Shared By


· Edit Table


· Edit Relationship


· Delete from Business Object

The first option stretches the line of the relationship.

The Owned/Shared option toggles the ownership of the appropriate table or relationship on and off. A table or relationship can be owned by only one business object. An owned table or relationship is shown with dark-grey border lines in the diagram.

The Owned By and Shared By options let you navigate between business objects within a business area.

The Edit Table and Edit Relationship options open the Tables or Relationships windows respectively, allowing you to change the definitions if desired.

The last option allows you to delete the table or relationship from the business object.