Setting Delete Super on Delete

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For subtype tables, you can set the Delete Super on Delete table attribute.

When the user deletes subtype data, Delete Super on Delete determines what happens to the remainder of the record constellation (supertype data and possibly other subtype data).

If Delete Super on Delete is set (the default), deleting subtype data automatically results in deleting corresponding supertype data and all other subtype data (the entire record constellation). Transition constraints defined on the constellation are evaluated if the Fire On Delete flag is set.

If Delete Super on Delete is NOT set, deleting subtype data from a subtype window is handled as an UPDATE to the constellation. The corresponding subtype indicator is set from 'Y(es)' to 'N(o)'. Transition constraints defined on the constellation are evaluated if the Fire On Update flag is set.

The following operations are handled differently depending on the Delete Super on Delete attribute:

· The user deletes a subtype record from a subtype window opened from a supertype info window.


· The user deletes a record from an info window based on the subtype (which, by default, also shows the supertype columns).


· A corrective constraint performs a correction and executes a statement of the following type:

DELETE FROM <subtype> ...

The following operations are always handled as a DELETE of the entire record constellation. In these cases the Delete Super on Delete attribute is not relevant:

· The user removes a record from an info window based on the supertype.


· A corrective constraint performs a correction and executes a statement of the following type:

DELETE FROM <supertype> ...