Setting Defaults for Supertypes and Subtypes

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When you insert a record in USoft Developer, all mandatory fields are automatically provided with default values. This feature also applies to supertype-subtype record constellations. Not only is it possible to set default values for the various subtype attributes, but you can also set certain subtypes as the default value(s). All you have to do is specify the 'Y' default value for the corresponding subtype indicator(s). This can save the end-user much work.

In the Travel Agency, for example, there will be more office staff than guides, and perhaps more females than males. So it is a good idea to set the defaults to Office Staff and Female.

Then, when a record is inserted, USoft Developer automatically inserts Person data, and assumes that the person is a female by default. When a Female (or Male) record is inserted, USoft Developer automatically inserts Person data, and assumes that the person is a member of the office staff by default.