USoft Connector

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A USoft connector is a component, in practice a VB or Java program, which implements the USoft Connector interface. This enables the Rules Engine to query or manipulate the data in an external data source. The USoft Connector interface has the following methods:


Contains input parameters that correspond with the columns of the table. The method is called on the insert of a record, and inserts the data in the external data source.


Contains input parameters that correspond with the columns of the table. The method is called on the update of a record. The method updates the data in the external data source. The primary key of the table is not updatable and therefore it is sufficient to pass only the new values to the method.


Contains input parameters that correspond with the primary key columns of the table. The method is called on the delete of a record. The method deletes the data in the external data source.


This method is part of the RDMI Query protocol. It contains input parameters for all columns of the table. The parameters indicate a column restriction. If the value for a column is NULL, there is no restriction. If there is a value, the records with these column values are retrieved.


This method is part of the RDMI Query protocol. It contains output parameters for all columns of the table. The method returns zero or one record when called. The records returned meet the same condition as stated for the QueryExe method.


Each USoft connector is related to exactly one table, which is defined in the repository.

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Constructor SQL

Error Handling for USoft Connector Components