How to Use a Secondary Info box

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Secondary info boxes allow you to distribute columns of a table over more than one info window. This is appropriate when, for a large record, you only want to show the most frequently used fields as a default, but still include the option of seeing all fields. Secondary info boxes also allow you to display, and have users manipulate, columns of a table simultaneously in more than one window. This is appropriate when, for records in a multi-record display where not all records are visible or easily editable (in particular, when they are in a grid box), you want to provide an easy-to-edit single-record display version of the same record.

The point of using a secondary info box is that it automatically synchronizes its data with data in a master info box based on the same table. Associate a secondary info box with its master by embedding it in the master, or by creating a control that allows users to navigate from the master to the secondary info box.

To embed a secondary info box in the same window as the master info box, open the master info box class, and then drag-and-drop the new secondary window class from the Windows Designer catalog or into the design view.

To create a control in the master window that navigates to the secondary window, for example, a button, define the Action property of the button as

WindowCreateSecondary(<secondary window class>)

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Example: Secondary Window