The Extended Query Conditions XML Document

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The syntax of the generated CONDITIONS XML document is described here.

· For columns, a <Column> element is added with "name" attribute for column name, and "datatype" attribute for database column type.

<Column name = "ID" datatype = "Numeric"></Column>

· For values, a <Value> element is added with the specified value as the text node and "datatype" for the type of the value.

<Value datatype = "String">Recorded</Value>

· For functions, a <Function> element is added with "name" attribute containing the function name.

<Function name = "TO_DATE">...</Function>

· For logical operators, a <LogicalOperator> element is added with "name" attribute containing the operator name. AND and OR must have exactly 2 child nodes and NOT must have exactly one child node.

<LogicalOperator name = "AND">...</LogicalOperator>

· For operators used to compare two expressions (=, <>, <, >, <=, >=, IN, NOT IN, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IS, IS NOT, BETWEEN, NOT BETWEEN, AND, ANY, ALL), an <Operator> element is added with "name" attribute containing the operator name. ANY and ALL must have exactly 1 child node, the others must have exactly 2 child nodes. Exceptions:
· The "name" attribute for "<>" is "&lt;&gt;"


· The "name" attribute for "<" is "&lt;"


· The "name" attribute for "<=" is "&lt;="


· The "name" attribute for ">" is "&gt;"


· The "name" attribute for ">=" id "&gt;="

<Operator name = "&lt;">...</Operator>

· For mathematical operators (+, -, *, /, ||), a <MathOperator> is added with "name" attribute containing the name of the operator. + and - unary operators must have exactly one child node, the others must have exactly two child nodes.

<MathOperator name = "+">...</MathOperator>

· For sets, a <Set> element is added.


· NULL values have a <Value> element with "null" as value.

<Value> null </Value>

· The root element is:

SqlNode: <SqlNode>...</SqlNode>

· Values used as datatype are: String, Numeric, and DateTime.