Installing USoft Series Products - Initializing the Repository - Development Environment

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In the development environment, using the USoft Binder, you must create repository tables for a number of USoft Series products before you can use them. These products are:

· USoft Definer


· USoft BenchMark


· USoft Authorizer


· USoft Batch Server

To create or initialize repository tables for products in the development environment:

1. From the USoft Binder, open the project file containing the USoft products you have installed.
2. Click your right mouse button on the product item for which repository tables are to be created.
3. From the menu displayed, choose Create Tables.

The Create Tables dialog will be displayed. Press F1 for Help with filling in the fields.


If you choose to drop existing tables, any existing data will be lost. If you are creating a repository to completely replace an existing one, drop existing tables.