Approach 2: Integrated Processes-and-Rules Base |
USoft TeamWork offers you the unique possibility of taking down all of a customer's "ramblings" about requirements of the future system regardless of whether they are talking about Business Processes, data-oriented Business Rules, or anything else (such as computer interface requirements), while still allowing you to structure, qualify and categorize them later. This way you don't need to worry about what topic they cover, how they may be structured and related, and what priority they may have until a later time. When you reflect on the requirements later, you can gradually refine categorizations and add information. This way you end up with an integrated processes-and-rules base in which you can perform queries right across process-oriented, data-oriented and other types of information. You don't spend time categorizing and qualifying what you may not need (indeed, what you might drop altogether) later. To use this approach in USoft TeamWork: