Component Services and IIS Parameters

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The exact place where to find settings, and how to change settings in other tools (for example: Microsoft Internet Services Manager) varies from version to version. Refer to the Help and documentation of the appropriate non-USoft product.

On a Microsoft Windows platform, the Page Engine must be installed under the Microsoft Component Services. In the Microsoft Component Services console, you can set a dedicated user for the component: the Windows-authenticated user that owns the process that runs the component. The advantage is that this user does not have to be logged on. It is advised to set a dedicated user, and not the interactive user. You can also set an idle timeout: if the component is not used after the specified idle timeout period, the process shuts down. The default is 3 minutes.

In Internet Information Services (IIS), a virtual folder must be created to serve the generated web pages. A virtual folder treats the physical directory as an application.

Under IIS, you can set the session timeout. When a client browser connects to IIS, a session is created, and for the next requests of this browser, IIS always takes the same session. Within this session object, USoft keeps the username and password of the user. This way, the user does not have to provide username and password for each request. A session timeout is the maximum amount of time the session is kept if there is no request from the client browser. The result is: if a user does not use its web application longer than this session timeout, the Login page is opened, to provide the username and password again.