How to Call a Page

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To call a related page by using the default dropdown list for related pages:

1. In the object tree, select the NavigateToRelatedPageGroup object, and then the NavigateToMore object.
2. From the Controls tab of the catalog, insert an Option.

The Option object is listed under DataSource objects.

3. For the new Option1 object, set the Name property to the name of the page to call.
4. Save your changes.

When this new option is selected run-time, the default Go button and its event listener take care for correct navigation.

To call a page otherwise:

1. First, determine the object from which you want to call the page. For example, a button.
2. In the object tree, select this object, or insert a new object.
3. Insert the appropriate event listener object.
4. In this event listener object, insert a navigateTo() action, a navigateToRelated() action, or a navigateToLookup() action, depending on whether you want to use the Related or Lookup element of the target page, or not.
5. For the inserted action, set the Target Page property to the name of the page to call.