How to Embed a Page in Another Page

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You can embed a page in another page simply by dragging the page to be embedded from the Web Designer catalog in the target page, or in one of its group objects.

If the page to be embedded is a related page or lookup page, synchronization between parent and child data is automatically applied.

With only a few layout changes necessary, this is a very easy way to create a master-detail page.

To embed a page in another page:

1. First, determine whether the page to be embedded must be changed or not.

This mainly involves layout changes, like deleting group objects and buttons that already exist in the target page, for example the BottomButtonGroup.

2. From the catalog, open the (target) page in which you want to embed another page.
3. Drag the page to be embedded from the catalog onto either the main Page object in the object tree, or onto one of the group objects in the object tree.

An additional page appears in the object tree.