Page Stacking

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Page stacking is a manner of realizing page navigation in Web Designer. A hierarchy (stack) of pages is established, where one page is the underlying page of another page (the current page). Stacking can be any number of levels deep.

The current page has knowledge of the underlying page (is able to refer to information about the underlying page), and the other way around in the case of embedded pages.

· Page stacking always occurs when pages are embedded in (= inserted into) other pages. The inserted Page is the current page.  An embedded page does not need to be navigated to, nor can it be closed.


· Page stacking is also be applied when navigating to another page. The page being navigated TO becomes the current page, that is, the page at the top of the stack is always the current page.

In the TableDataSources of child tables you can refer to information in underlying pages using a special system of reference paths, much like normal folder paths.

When navigating to another page using the navigateTo, NavigateToRelated or NavigateToLookup Server Actions, the state of underlying pages is preserved on the client. Call closePage, cancelPage or acceptLookupValue to pop the current page from the stack. These pages and their data are no longer available after doing this.


Note: When navigating to a page that contains a data source with the same name then this page will share the data. This makes wizard-style insertion of records possible.

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Reference Path Syntax