A Table Right or Column Right has foreground scope if it has the setting "Privilege Scope = Foreground and background".
Foreground scope gives the holder the right to perform both foreground access and background access on that table or column. "Access" in this context involves both
•Data retrieval (SELECT, in SQL terms) and •Data manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, in SQL terms). Foreground access includes all forms of access other than:
•Access by a constraint, as an indirect result of a user action. •Access by a corrective relationship attribute setting as an indirect result of a user action. Corrective relationship attributes are Delete Rule and Update Rule settings other than Restricted (ie., Cascading or Nullify). This obviously includes many direct forms of access, such as data retrieval and manipulation through USoft windows and web forms mapped directly to tables, and access through SQL statements executed from SQL Command dialogs. But foreground access ALSO includes many forms of access that you might think of as being more indirect, for example:
•Accessing underlying tables when using a Logical View. •Accessing data by calling USoft Batch jobs. •Accessing data by calling USoft REST service methods. |