Default Lookup Pages

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If you define a Relationship between a parent table and a child table and you set its Lookup Method to "Lookup Window or Page", USoft automatically generates Lookup Pages where the user can query and select possible parent values for use in forms with child data.

Lookup pages are accessed by the user through lookup buttons.

In this example, Tours are parent data and Scheduled Tours are child data. Here is a default Lookup Page for browsing and selecting Tours parent data. When the user presses the Select button, the selected record is applied to the child form from where the Lookup Page was accessed.


The multi-record results area in this example has a radio button for each record. This is only a visual reinforcement of the main user task in this screen, namely, to select one of the records shown. If the user selects the record implicitly by clicking anywhere else in the record, the radio button is automatically selected.


See Also

Default Web Application and Default Pages

Default Lookup Buttons

Default Related Pages

Customizing Default Web Pages

Lookup Dialogs