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Opens the standard Windows "Open File" dialog that enables the user to open a file. If the user does choose a file in the dialog, the name of that file is returned as the value of the current control.


FileOpen( title, directory, file, read-only, filter... )


read-only  :=  { read-only | }


filter  :=  description, type


All parameters are optional string parameters. If you want to pass any parameter, it is interpreted in strict order of position. Thus, to pass a filter parameter, you must make sure to pass at least an empty string for each of title, directory, file, read-only.

Title is the text to appear as the dialog window title. If title is not specified, "Open" is used.

Directory is the directory shown by default (= when the dialog is opened). If directory is not specified, a default directory depending on settings in the file system is shown at this point, such as the last visited directory.

File is the name of the file to be selected by default (= when the dialog is opened). This name is displayed in the File Name field. If file is not specified, either the field is empty at this point, or a default file is displayed, depending on settings in the file system.

If the value 'read-only' is passed for read-only, the dialog will offer by default to open the file in read-only mode. Otherwise, the dialog will offer by default to open the file in read-write mode.

You can add any number of optional filter parameters. Each filter parameter is a description, type pair, where description and type are separated by commas from each other and from preceding and following values. Description is the description of the file type that the dialog will display. Type is a descriptor of the corresponding set of files. Type will contain at least one * wildcard.



    'Select File'

,   'c:\temp\' 

,   FORMULA ( :1 || :2, query.job(), '.log' )

,   ''

,   'Log Files (*.log)' ,  '*.log'

,   'All Files (*.*)'   ,  '*.*' 
