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Compresses one or more files or inline content as entries in a ZIP file. This happens on a CLEAR-AND-INSERT basis. If the file already exists, all its entries are cleared, and the new entries supplied are compressed into the file instead.

There is no result value.


<pc:ZipReplace filepath="file-path" select="xpath">
input  ::=  [
               { <File                entryname="entryname"  path="inputfile" />          |
                 <Content             entryname="entryname"> content </Content>           |
                 <ContentFromBase64   entryname="entryname"> content </ContentFromBase64>   
               }   ... ]

The required filepath is a path leading to the ZIP file you want to update. This is conventionally a file that has the ".zip" file extension. The optional select attribute can be used to restrict the operation to a specific part of input.

The required input can either be specified as a list of external files to be zipped, or as inline content to be compressed:

To supply a list of one or more files, use the <File> element name for each input file. In the path attribute, specify where the file is found on the file system.

To supply inline content, supply it as the content attribute of a <Content> element or, if the content is binary and 64-bit encoded, a <ContenFromBase64> element.

In both cases, for entryname, supply a relative file path that determines the place of the zipped file in the internal folder structure of the ZIP file.



<pc:ZipReplace filepath="{$myjarfile}" >
    <Content entryname="{$myentry}" content="{$NewUServiceClasses}" />