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Compresses a set of files or inline content as entries in a ZIP file. This happens on an INSERT-OR-UPDATE basis. If the file already exists, new entries are added to it, entries with the same names are overwritten, and entries not mentioned in the <pc:ZipFileCreate> directive are left alone.

There is no result value.


<pc:ZipUpdate filepath="file-path" select="xpath">
input  ::=  [
               { <File                entryname="entryname"  path="file-path" />          |
                 <Content             entryname="entryname"> content </Content>           |
                 <ContentFromBase64   entryname="entryname"> content </ContentFromBase64>   
               }   ... ]


entryname  ::=  relative-file-path

The required filepath is a path leading to the ZIP file you want to update. This is conventionally a file that has the ".zip" file extension. The optional select attribute can be used to restrict the operation to a specific part of input.

The required input can either be specified as a list of external files to be zipped, or as inline content to be compressed:

To supply a list of one or more files, use the <File> element name for each input file. In the path attribute, specify where the file is found on the file system.

To supply inline content, supply it as content of a <Content> element or, if the content is binary and 64-bit encoded, as content of a <ContentFromBase64> element.

In either case, for entryname, supply a relative path that determines the place of the zipped file in the internal folder structure of the ZIP file.



<pc:ZipUpdate filepath="{$myjarfile}" >
    <Content entryname="{$myentry}" content="{$NewUServiceClasses}" />