Default classes

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When you open Windows Designer, a complete system of default classes is ready for you as a starting point for your Windows application. Default classes are derived from your data model. For example:

For each table in your data model, there is a default GUI class that you can use to let your end users interact with that table.

For each time a table is child in a Relationship, there is a default GUI class (called related info box) that you can use to let your end users navigate easily from parent data in this Relationship to related child data.

Do not paint default classes

Best practice when developing info boxes is to start by creating your own subclass. Why? Because this way, the default class remains unspoilt, and you can draw new subclasses from it later.

A possible exception is a situation where you know you are only doing a quick prototype that you will throw away after use. In this case, it is attractive to work with the default classes.

To create your own subclasses in the catalog:

1.Right-mouse click in the catalog on the class that you want to create a subclass from.
2.Choose New from the context menu. A subtype node appears in the catalog.
3.Right-mouse click on the new subtype.
4.Choose Rename from the context menu. Give a meaningful name to your new subtype, for example, "MyInfoBox".
5.In the end user menu, add a menu item with a script such as

WindowCreate( MyInfoBox )