Joined Columns

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A joined column does not actually exist as a column in the database:

In USoft Definer, a joined column is a virtual column take a value from a direct parent table. In USoft 9.1, virtual columns are deprecated.

In USoft Windows Designer, a joined column is an additional, displayed or hidden, field that you will have added to an info box in a window class you are painting. Such a joined column takes its value by copying a stored column value from a related parent table or a higher-level ancestor table. The info box that contains the joined column is based on a child table.

Joined columns are useful if you are painting an end user screen based on a child table and you want to show information from higher-level ancestor tables that is meaningful to the end user.


In a Travel Agency, you are creating a GUI based on a Travellers table. Each Traveller is related to a Reservation by a number ID. That Reservation is related by another number ID to the tour product that the Reservation is for. Each tour product, in turn, is related to a Tour Programme. The end user of the GUI needs information from the Tour Programme to make sense of where the displayed Travellers are travelling to.



collapseHow to add Joined Columns in USoft Windows Designer



See also

Underlying queries

Info Boxes

Extra Queries