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The user interface of your USoft Windows application is a multiple-document interface:

An end user starts a single top-level application window.

In this application window, multiple document windows can be opened concurrently.

Your task in Windows Designer is to develop the document windows and the way in which the user may open and close them.

In Windows Designer, a document window is either an info window or a dialog window:

An info window contains one or more info boxes. Info boxes are used to display, edit, insert and delete data, which is the primary purpose of USoft online applications.

A dialog does not contain info boxes. It is used for miscellaneous other purposes, such as asking the end user a question, or helping her perform a specific task.

In USoft Windows Designer, you can design window content by composing windows from info box, dialog and control classes. For each info box class and dialog class you get an initial default window which you can run as a prototype and progressively tailor to your needs.

collapseWindow objects and properties
collapseTabbed mode and multiple windows mode
collapseCalling your own windows