Localising your application

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You can localise your application, for a group of end users, by making sure that all textual elements presented to those end users appear in a language that is optimally understandable to them. Textual elements include window titles, web page titles, field prompts, text used in menu options, error messages, warnings and information messages.

You may need to localise because some of your end users must be served in a different language than English. This is a straighforward translation need.

But localisation also allows you to tailor message texts and other texts to the specific needs of a user community. For example, British users may need to be presented with British spelling. Or you may decide to edit a standard USoft message text to something that you find more correct, or more clear, or more suitable to your audience.

Localisation could even apply to culture-specific graphics, such as icons or a particular screen layout. In USoft Web Application pages you can show or hide visual blocks based on the language (or locale) they are tagged with.

You can offer dynamic localisation. This allows end users to select a language from a multi-language offering (ie., to switch languages).

Localisation has 2 aspects:

Defining language material at design-time in USoft Definer, including defining the languages themselves.

Providing language material at deploy-time.