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Limits the number of records returned in the result set.


RECORDS( lower-boundary, upper-boundary ) select-list

Lower-boundary and upper-boundary are both required and must both evaluate to a positive integer. Upper-boundary must be higher than lower-boundary.

If RECORDS is combined with ORDER BY, first the entire result set is built as specified by ORDER BY. Then, a subset of that ordered list is returned as specified by RECORDS.


Example 1

This example returns a set of 20 records from the employee table.

SELECT     RECORDS( 1, 20 ) * 
FROM       employee


Example 2a

This example returns records 3, 4 and 5 from the person table after records have been sorted by family name:

SELECT     RECORDS( 3, 5 ) * 
FROM       person
ORDER BY   family_name


Example 2b

This example shows that arguments of RECORDS may alternatively be passed as host variables:

action ResourceFileUpdate( *min: 3 )
action ResourceFileUpdate( *max: 5 )
SELECT     RECORDS( :min, :max ) * 
FROM       person
ORDER BY   family_name


RECORDS is a convertible function resolved by USoft and thus supported on all RDBMS platforms.

On SQL Server, you can alternatively use the TOP operator to obtain a specified number of records from the beginning of the result set, for example, the first 4 records:  

SELECT     TOP 4 *
FROM       person

You can alternatively pass the argument to TOP as a host variable:

action ResourceFileUpdate( *top: 4 )
SELECT     TOP :top *
FROM       person

The TOP operator is NOT converted by USoft for platforms other than SQL Server.


See also

SQL Functions