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Exports data to the USoft multi-table format on the basis of a regular expression identifying a set of tables.

Subtype indicators are NOT exported. See also the RestrictiveSupertypeListing parameter in this help topic.

Using this method, you can create an output file with data from multiple tables. You can use XML.IMPORT to re-import this result set into a target repository where each of the tables is present.


,   parameter,    value
,   ...      ,    ...

The required regular-expression identifies the set of tables from which data is exported.

The optional parameter-value pairs specify additional options. See the Parameters section in this help topic.

You can append WHERE clauses to restrict the output to records that match WHERE conditions. See the "Appended WHERE clauses" section in this help topic.

Example 1

This statement, executed in USoft Definer, returns an XML document describing the structure and contents of tables T_TABLE, T_COLUMN and T_DOMAIN:


Example 2

This statement, if executed in your User Application, or in any USoft application such as Definer or Authorizer, returns an XML document describing the structure and contents of ALL tables. This may run into errors if the output includes component tables; you can work around this by using usmeta.tables() and selecting only database tables, or at least filtering out the component tables.




collapseAppended WHERE clauses
collapseSubstitution variables in appended WHERE
collapseBehaviour with subtypes



See also

Example: exporting only database tables



XML internal component

XML and the Rules Engine